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Conference Seating

Sam is available to discuss his work as an author, and his research into creative AI, on panel discussions or at conferences. Please contact Sam at for more information.

Below are a selection of events Sam has attended recently.

Cardiff ENCAPsulate Conference 2024

Wednesday 12th June - Thursday 13th June 2024

Sam attended the Cardiff school of English, Communication and Philosophy ENCAPsulate conference. There he presented a chapter of his PhD thesis entitled 'Wait... are Artificial Intelligent Systems Actually Intelligent?' Sam also chaired a philosophy panel featuring a fantastic series of philosophy presentations.


© Cardiff University


© TORCH / Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities

St. John's College (Oxford University) Panel - 'Shattered Space: AI Art & Gender'

Wednesday 7th June 2023

As part of the TORCH, Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities 'Artful Intelligence Season', Sam participated in a panel discussion entitled 'Shattered Space: AI, Art & Gender. The discussion focused on the development of Ai-Da, an image generating machine described as the 'first ultra-realistic artist robot'. The panel discussion was led by Olivia Holder and alongside Sam, panelists included Professor Brenda Stevenson (the inaugural Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair in Women’s History) and VR/AR creative director and artist, Estella Tse

Find out more about the panel discussion by clicking here.

You can also view Sam's reading list from the event by clicking here.

Cardiff ENCAPsulate Conference

Thursday 15th June - Friday 16th June 2023

Sam attended the Cardiff school of English, Communication and Philosophy ENCAPsulate conference. There he presented his latest research paper, 'Orwell, Totalitarianism and Generative AI - A Critical Examination'.


© Cardiff University

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© TORCH / Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities

Cardiff Library (Cardiff Hubs) 'Write About Everything' Workshop

Tuesday March 15th 2022

As part of the Cardiff Library Hubs writing workshop series 'Write About Everything' Sam delivered a 90-minute workshop on storyboarding children's literature. The workshop was attended by writer's of all ages, and provided practical skills for planning and storyboarding fiction for young children.

You can find more information about the Cardiff Hubs Library events here.

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